


皆さんは、「日本通史 An Introduction to the History of Japan」という英語で書かれた本を知っていますか?






















  • 作者:原 勝郎
  • 発売日: 2014/03/29
  • メディア: 単行本











 The history of Japan may be useful to foreigners in several different ways. If we do not take into account the serviceableness of detached historical data or groups of data, that is to say, when we exclude those cases where the historical data of Japan are studied not for the sake of understanding Japan herself, but in behalf of some other scientific purposes, then it can be said that Japanese history will serve foreigners in two principal and distinct ways. Firstly, it will interest them as the history of one special nation among many in the world. Secondly, it may be useful to historical study in general, seeing that it can be regarded as consistuting in itself a microcosmos of miniature of the history of the world manifested in that of a small nation. The former point is that which attracts most foreigners by the strength of novelty, while the latter will be none the less suggestive to comprehensive and reflective historians. Both points need some explanations. Let me begin with the first.




The history of Japan may be useful to foreigners in several different ways.


★several (some, many) different+名詞の複数形



 If we do not take into account the serviceableness of detached historical data or groups of data,



★take A into acccout / take A into account 「Aを考慮に入れる」、は超頻出熟語です。



★historicalは、data or groups of data全体を修飾しています。「hisitorical な data or groups of data」ということなので、「hisitorical data または groups of data」と読まないようにしましょう。


that is to say, when we exclude those cases where the historical data of Japan are studied not for the sake of understanding Japan herself, but in behalf of some other scientific purposes,



★Japan herselfとありますが、国は女性扱いすることが多いです。少し詩的、旧式な表現ですね。

★not (for the sake of) A but (in behalf of) B の形になっています。

★for the sake of Aもin(on) bahalf of Aも、「A(という目的)のために」という理解でOKです。


then it can be said that Japanese history will serve foreigners in two principal and distinct ways. 


★If (When) SV, then SV は大学受験の長文でもよく出てきますね。この then は訳出しなくてOKです。 


 Firstly, it will interest them as the history of one special nation among many in the world.


★among manyはamong many special nationsということです。「日本というのは特別な国なんですよ、読者の皆さんが住む欧米列強と同じように」と、日本の独自性を主張しておきながら欧米人もおだてる書き方をしています。


Secondly, it may be useful to historical study in general, seeing that it can be regarded as consistuting in itself a microcosmos of miniature of the history of the world manifested in that of a small nation.



★seeing that SVはいわゆる文末分詞構文です。この場合は「SVということを考えると」「SVなのだから」くらいの理解でOKです。

★regard A as B「AをBとみなす」は基本熟語ですが、Bは補語ですから、名詞のほかに形容詞でもOKです。この場合はconsistutingという現在分詞になっていますね。『分子は100%形容詞』ということをしっかり理解しておきましょう! 

★constitute A で「Aを構成する」です。in itself「それ自身の中に」がいわゆる『副詞の挿入』になっていますね。


The former point is that which attracts most foreigners by the strength of novelty, while the latter will be none the less suggestive to comprehensive and reflective historians.


★the former、the latterはそれぞれ「前者」「後者」です。基本ですね。

★このwhichはかなり難しいですね。これは普通の代名詞itと同じように使われています。The former point is that it (つまりJapanese history) attracts... と書き換えて理解してOKです。

★comprehensiveは「包括的な、完全に理解できる」、 reflectiveは「熟考する」という意味の、ともに形容詞です。

★none the lessは「それでもやはり、負けず劣らず」ですが、この場合は「(前者と)同様に(後者も外国人にとって魅力的である)」という意味でしょう。


Both points need some explanations. Let me begin with the first.





最後に、 もう一度今回扱った英文の本文と、訳書に敬意を表して、訳者の中山理(なかやま・おさむ)先生の訳文を載せておきます。


 The history of Japan may be useful to foreigners in several different ways. If we do not take into account the serviceableness of detached historical data or groups of data, that is to say, when we exclude those cases where the historical data of Japan are studied not for the sake of understanding Japan herself, but in behalf of some other scientific purposes, then it can be said that Japanese history will serve foreigners in two principal and distinct ways. Firstly, it will interest them as the history of one special nation among many in the world. Secondly, it may be useful to historical study in general, seeing that it can be regarded as consistuting in itself a microcosmos of miniature of the history of the world manifested in that of a small nation. The former point is that which attracts most foreigners by the strength of novelty, while the latter will be none the less suggestive to comprehensive and reflective historians. Both points need some explanations. Let me begin with the first.








渡部昇一「日本の歴史」全7巻セット (WAC BUNKO)

渡部昇一「日本の歴史」全7巻セット (WAC BUNKO)

  • 作者:渡部 昇一
  • 発売日: 2016/12/02
  • メディア: 単行本