



738 sustain : ~を持続させる;~を支える
       sustain one's family : 家族を養う
       sustainable : [形]持続可能な、環境を壊さずに活動が続けられる
       sustainability : [名]持続可能性

すると、昨今カタカナでもよく目にする「サステイナブル」「サステイナビリティ」という言葉の理解が深まります。「持続可能な」「持続可能性」という日本語に訳されますが、持続と言っても現状維持ではなく、将来的に地球が滅びることのないようにすることを含意しています。そのために国連が掲げているのが、SDGs=Sustainable Development Goals「持続可能な開発目標」です。

739 assign : ~を割り当てる;~を(...に)配属する(to)
       assign A B : AにB を割り当てる(=assign B to A)
       assignment : [名]仕事;課題
       assignee : [名]受託者

sign「しるし」という語に「~に」を表す接頭辞as-が付いています。「~を割り当てる」の意ではallocateやgiveが同義語で、いずれも第4文型を作ります。「~を配属する」の意では、appoint「~を任命する」で言い換えられます。assign / appoint O to do「Oを任命して~させる」の形が可能です。

740 accomplish : ~を成し遂げる
         be accomplished in [at] : ~に熟達している
         accomplishment : [名]達成;業績


741 wisdom : 知恵;賢明さ;学識
       a man of wisdom : 賢人
       a wisdom tooth : 親知らず
       wise : [形]賢明な;博識の

形容詞wiseの原義は「知っている」で、weyd-「見える、知る」を語源とします。「頭が良い」に相当する形容詞はいくつかありますが、語源が示すように、「知識(知る)や経験(見る)に基づく判断の確かさ」というのがwiseには感じられます。名詞wisdomには「分別」という訳語もあります。a wisdom toothは、最早、親も知らない頃になって生えてきますが、同時にそれは、分別のつく年頃ということでもあるのです。

742 literacy : 読み書きの能力;(特定分野の)知識
       computer literacy : コンピューター運用能力
       literate : [形]読み書きのできる;教養のある
       illiteracy : [名]読み書きができないこと;無学

litera-の部分は「文字」を表します。literal、literatureなどとの関連性が分かります。元々は「文字」に関係した能力を指しましたが、そこから広がって、ある分野において必要な事柄を適切に活用できる能力、教養・素養があることをも意味します。最近では、media literacy、information literacyというような使われ方をしています。

743 heritage : 遺産
        a World Heritage (site) : 世界遺産


744 mission : 使命;(外交)使節団;布教
        a diplomatic [trade] mission : 外交[通商]使節
        missionary : [名]宣教師 [形]伝道の、布教の

「送り出されること」というのが原義です。mit(mis)は「送る」という意味を持ち、missile、transmitにも含まれています。「使命」という日本語のほかに、「任務(duty)」、「天職(calling)」としても使われます。740のaccomplishの目的語として相性が良く、accomplish one's mission「任務を成し遂げる、使命を果たす」のように表現します。
そもそも何のために「送り出された」のかと言えば、まさにcalling「神のお召し」による「布教」ですので、それを行う団体のことも指します。キリスト教系の学校や病院をa mission school / hospitalと呼びます。

745 license : 免許(証);許可
       grant a license to him : 彼に免許を与える

「免許(証)」と言って最も身近なのは、「車の運転免許証」a driver's licenseでしょう。「車のナンバープレート」は、アメリカではa license plateと言います。動詞は、受け身の形で、be licensed to sell ~「~の販売許可を与えられている」のように使われることが多いです。









731 resemble : ~に似ている
        resemble ~ in character : 性格が~に似ている
        resemblance : [名]類似(点);似ている人[物]
        bear [have] a resemblance to ~ : ~に似ている

re-は「再び」、sembleは「同様に、一緒に、同時に」を意味します。他動詞なので、前置詞toを置かずに直接、名詞が続きます。例文にあるように、どういう点で似ているかの情報を添えたい時にはin character、in appearance、in every way「あらゆる点で」などの副詞句で表現します。外見の類似はlook like ~が同意表現です。また、血縁関係で、年下が年上に(例えば、息子が父親に)似ている場合は、take after ~で言い換えられます。「似て“いる”」という日本語ですが、【状態】を表しているので、通常は進行形にしません。進行形を用いると、【推移・変化】を表します:He is resembling his father more and more. 「彼はますます父親に似てきている。」

732 retire : (~から)引退する、退職する(from) ; 退く
      retire into the country : 田舎に引っ込む
      retirement : [名]引退、退職
      go into retirement : 隠居する
      retiree : (定年)退職者

re-「後ろへ」+tire「引く」→「退く」となります。普通、定年退職することを指します。任期等の途中で「辞職する」場合は、resignを用います。fromの後に来るのは仕事ばかりでなく、retire from the world「隠居生活を送る」という表現もあります。

733 neglect : ~をおろそかにする、怠る;~を無視する
       neglect to do : …するのを怠る
       child neglect : 育児放棄
       negligence : 怠慢、手抜かり
       negligent : [形]怠慢な、不注意な


734 collapse : 崩壊する;(人が)倒れる;~を折り畳む
       collapse on a sofa : ソファーに倒れ込む
       the collapse of prices : 物価の大暴落

co-「共に」+lapse「落ちる、倒れる、滑る」という成り立ちです。lapseは丁度fallのような意味合いを持っていますね。「崩壊する」はfall downで言い換えられます。そして「失敗する」「衰弱する」という意味に派生し、break down が同意表現です。
他動詞用法の「~を折り畳む」が挙げられています。この意味で自動詞用法もあり、This table collapses easily. 「このテーブルは簡単に折り畳める。」のように用います。

735 reform : ~を改革する;~を改心させる
       reform a criminal : 犯罪者を改心させる
       political reforms : 政治改革
       reformation : [名]改良;改革

re-「再び」+form「形造る」ですから、語の成り立ちは分かり易いですね。ただ注意しなければならないのは、日本語で言う「リフォーム」の意味合いはないという点です。衣服のリフォームにはalterやmake over、部屋のリフォームにはremodel、renovate、refurbishなどを用います。英語のreformは、社会・制度・政治等の改革、人格の矯正を意味しますので、もう少し重々しい印象です。
歴史的には宗教の改革も指します。16世紀ヨーロッパで起きた「宗教改革」はthe Reformationです。

736 protest : (~に)抗議する;~を主張する
       protest against ~ : ~に抗議する
       express a protest : 異議を唱える

pro-は「(人の)前で」、testは「証言する」。「(~に)抗議する」の意で、自動詞用法・他動詞用法両方ありますが、「~に反対して」抗議するのか(against ~)、「~を求めて」抗議するのか(for ~)は、自動詞+前置詞とした方が明確に伝わります。
名詞は、同形ですがアクセントの位置が変わりますので発音には注意が必要です。a protest march でいわゆる「デモ」を意味します。735で紹介したthe Reformation「宗教改革」でthe Roman Catholic Churchに反旗を翻したのはProtestantsです。

737 owe : ~に借りがある;~のおかげである
      owe A B : AにBを借りている
      owe B to Aと書き換えられる
      I owe my success to him. : 私が成功したのは彼のおかげだ。
      IOU : 借用証書(I owe you.と読む)

「所有する」が原義です。二つの用法が挙げられています。一つ目の「~に借りがある」は、owe A B (第4文型)=owe B to A(第3文型)の二通りで表現できます。 I owe you $30 .はI owe $30 to you. と言い換えられます。
しかし、二つ目の「 ~のおかげである」は、owe B to Aの形でしか表現できず、(×)I owe him my success. と二重目的語を取る形では言い換えられません。








723 attribute : (結果など)を(~に)帰する(to~)
attribute A to B : AをBのせいにする、AをBのおかげとみなす
        attribution : [名] 帰属;属性;権限

attribute A to Bは「AをBの作品と考える」という時にも使います。上記の訳語と合わせると幾通りかに読めるということになります。更に「帰する」という日本語も難しいので、何となく捉えにくい語のように思われるかもしれませんが、考え方としてはどれも、「Aの出どころはBにあると考える」ということです。
似た語にascribeがあります。同じようにascribe A to Bの形を取り、ほぼ同じように使えますが、悪いことに関して用いるのはこちらのようです。owe A to Bはよいことに関して用います。

724 pretend : (~の)ふりをする
        pretend to do : …するふりをする
        pretense : [名]ふり、見せかけ;弁明

pretend to doが挙げられていますが、目的語には名詞やthat節も可能です。少し語法の違いはありますが、「~のふりをする」の同意表現にはfeignやput onがあります。「驚いたふりをする」pretend to look surprisedは、feign surpriseやput on a surprised faceとも表現できます。
pretend には形容詞用法もあり、「偽りの、にせの、おもちゃの」という意味で、fakeが同意語です。

725 bury : ~を埋める;~を埋葬する;~を隠す
      be buried in a graveyard : 墓地に埋葬される
      burial : [名]埋葬

「地中に埋める」という意味が中心ですが、「~を忘れる」という抽象的なことへも発展します。そう考えると、「葬る」という日本語の感覚に近いように感じます。「過去を葬り去る」はbury one's pastです。
また、「うずめる」という方向で捉えると、bury one's face in one's hands「両手で顔を覆い隠す」のような表現があります。更に抽象化して、bury oneself in ~「~に没頭する」という表現もあります

726 reverse : ~を逆転させる;~を反対にする
       in reverse order : 逆の順番で
       reversible : [形]逆[裏返し]にできる


727 resist : ~に抵抗する;[通例否定文で]~を我慢する
      resist temptation : 誘惑に負けない
      resistance : [名]抵抗、反抗、妨害
      resistant : [形] 抵抗力のある、耐性のある

sist「立つ」を含む動詞は、consist、persist、assistなど、幾つかあります。接頭辞がそれぞれの「立場」を決めています。re-は「逆らって」の意ですから、理解しやすい成り立ちですね。opposeと同意で、目的語に動名詞を取る点も仲間です。「~を我慢する」の意では否定文で用いますので、can't resist ~「~を我慢できない」となります。目的語に動名詞を置けば、can't resist doing「~せずにはいられない」、ちょうどcan't help doingと同じ表現です。「~には目がない」という意味合いにピッタリで、I can't resist chocolate.のように言います。

728 scare : ~をおびえさせる;~を脅す
      be scared of ~ : ~を怖がる
      scare ~ into doing : ~を脅して…させる
      scary : [形]怖い、恐ろしい

語源的にはtimid、shy、afraidと関連しているようで、原義は「臆病な」です。同意語としてfrightenが挙げられます。形容詞scaredは、怖いという気持ちを抱く様子ですが、過去分詞すなわち受け身であることが示すように、何か外的な事柄を要因として沸き起こる恐怖心、という点が、afraidとは違うニュアンスです。be scared of ~「~を怖がる」のほかに、be scared to doと不定詞が続くこともありますが、こちらは「怖くて~できない」なので、使う場面が異なります。
ひどく驚いた時、「死ぬほど怖かった!」と言いますが、英語でも、It scared me to death!という強調の仕方があります。

729 imitate : ~をまねる;~を模造する
       imitate one's parents : 親を見習う
       imitation : [名] 模倣;模造品

「~をまねる、模造する」と聞くと悪い印象を受けますが、用例にあるように「~を見習う、手本にする」という時にも使います。同意語はcopyです。in imitation of ~「~にならって、まねて」という表現もあります。「~を模倣する」といった、悪ふざけの意味合いの時にはmimicやmockを用います。
名詞imitationは形容詞的に用いることもあり、imitation flowersは「造花」、imitation leatherは「人工皮革」です。

730 assist : (~を)援助する;手伝う
      assist A with [in] B : BのことでAを助ける
      assistant : [名] 助手、補佐
      assistance : [名]援助、支援










715 annoy : ~を悩ます;[受身形で]腹が立つ
       be annoyed about [at; by] ~ : ~にいらいらする、腹が立つ
       annoyance :[名]いら立ち;腹立たしい事[人]


716 endanger : ~を危険にさらす
        endangered : [形]絶滅の危機にある
        an endangered species : 絶滅危惧種
        danger : [名] 危険
        be in danger (of~) : (~の)危険にさらされている

「危険(danger)」の「中に(en)」置く、まさにput ~ in dangerですから、覚えやすい単語です。少し難しめですが、jeopardizeという同意語があります。endangeredというだけで、「絶滅」という語を使わなくても「“絶滅の”危機にさらされた」、つまりin danger of extinctionの意味になります。

717 acknowledge : (事実など)を認める(≒admit);~に謝意を表す
         acknowledge that … : ~だと認める
         acknowledgement : [名] 承認;謝辞


718 admire : ~に(~のことで)敬服[感心]する (for)
admire what one sees : 自分の目に入るものに見とれる
       admiration : [名] 感嘆;賞賛(の的)
       admirer : [名] 崇拝者
       admirable : [形] 賞賛に値する

adは「~に」、mireは「感謝する;驚く」といった意味を担うようです。「敬服」という日本語はなかなか大仰ですが、要は「すごいねー!」という気持ちを抱くことです。その気持ちを直接伝える会話表現としても用い、I admire you!「君ってすごいね!」と面と向かって言います。「憧れる」というニュアンスを持つ点がrespectとは異なります。自分自身に憧れてしまうこと、すなわち「自惚れる」はadmire oneselfです。形容詞admirableは、動詞とはアクセントの位置が異なり、それにより発音も結構変わりますので、注意しましょう。

719 evaluate : ~を評価する;~を査定する
       evaluate a property : 不動産物件を査定する
       evaluation : [名] 評価、査定


720 declare : ~を宣言する;~を申告する
       declare martial law : 戒厳令を布告する
       declaration : [名] 宣言;公表;申告
       the Declaration of Independence : (米国)独立宣言

clareは「明らかにする」、まさにclarifyの意味を担っています。それに【強意】のde「完全に」が付いています。発言に対して、かなりの強さ、重要度を感じさせます。「~と断言する」という訳語もあり、同意語としてproclaimやannounceが挙げられます。「緊急事態を宣言する」はdeclare a state emergency。税関での「申告」にもこの語を使います。Do you have anything to declare?のように尋ねられます。

721 secure : ~を確保する;~を守る
       secure A B : AのためにBを手に入れる( = secure B for A)
       security : [名] 安全(保障);警備

cureは「心配」、seは「ない」の意味です。すると、原義を「心配のない、安全な」とするsureとの共通点が見えてきます。形容詞の訳語として挙がっている「安全な」から、safeが気になります。こちらは「dangerousな状態にはない」という状況的・客観的な安全性を指します。「心配がない」を原義とするsecureは、より内面的・主観的な様子を形容します。動詞も名詞も「心配を取り除く(こと)、安心を与える(もの)、」として捉えるとよいです。ライナスがいつも頬擦りしている毛布はsecurity blanketです。

722 specialize : 専門とする;(~を)専攻する( in ) ( ≒ major)
        specialize in ~ : ~を専門に扱う
        specialist : [名] 専門家
        specialty : [名] 専門;名物;特色
        specially : [副]特に

specは「見ること」を意味します。「見えるもの」→「形」→「種類」という流れの中に、specific、species、そしてspecialなどがあります。それに「~化する」という動詞を作る接尾辞izeが付いて、「ある種類に属すようになる」という意のspecializeとなります。反意語はgeneralizeです。「専攻する」と言う時、majorよりもspecializeの方が専門性が強く、前者は大学での、後者は大学院以上での専攻を指すよう使い分ける向きがあります。「~を特殊化する、専門化する」という他動詞用法もあり、specialized knowledgeは「専門知識」です。副詞speciallyは、「特に」というより「特別に」ということです。特定の目的に合わせてわざわざ見繕った、という感じです。その点が、「とりわけ、中でも」の意味のespeciallyと異なります。









708 devote : ~をささげる
devote A to B : AをBにささげる、充てる
devote oneself to ~ : ~に専念する 
devotion : [名] 献身、専心
devoted : [形] 献身的な;熱烈な


709 urge : ~に強く促す;~を強く主張する;~を駆り立てる
urge ~ to do : ~に…するように促す
[名] 衝動、駆り立てる力
have an urge to do : …する衝動に駆られる
urgent : [形] 緊急の
urgency : [名] 緊急

urgencyの訳語「緊急」から、emergencyと混同されますが、後者はemerge「出現する」からの派生ですから、危険な状況が生じていることを指し、a state of emergency「緊急事態」のように使います。一方urgencyは、何かを急がなければならないという気持ちを指し、「切迫」という訳語もあります。

710 lend : ~を貸す(⇔borrow : ~を借りる);(人)に(助言・援助など)を与える
活用:lend – lent – lent
lend A B : AにBを貸す、与える (=lend B to A)
lend a hand (in[with] ~) : (~に)手を貸す、手伝う
a lending rate : 金利、利率

lendはlend A B = lend B to Aと二通りに言えますが、対義語のborrowはborrow B from A「AからBを借りる」のみです。「A(=人)に手を貸す」は形容詞をつけてlend A a helping handとも言いますし、動詞を変えてgive A a handという表現もあります。

711 restrict : ~を制限する
be restricted to ~ : ~に制限されている
restriction : [名] 制限;規制
restrictive : [形] 制限する


712 isolate : ~を孤立させる
be isolated from ~ : ~から孤立している
isolation : [名] 孤立、分離
in isolation : ほかと切り離して;孤立して
isolated [形] 孤立した

「~を切り離す」という意味合いを中心として、quarantine「~を隔離する」、separate「~を分離する」、insulate「~を絶縁する」などの意味にも広がります。「鎖国」はthe policy of national isolationです。

713 accompany : ~に同行する;~に付随する
be accompanied by ~ : ~に付き添われる;~が伴う
accompaniment : [名] 伴奏;添え物

company「仲間」に、【付加】toを意味するac-が付いています。「母親に付き添われた男の子」はa boy accompanied by his motherです。「同行」→「一緒」というイメージから【随伴】の前置詞withを使いたくなりますが、byを使います。

714 exhaust : ~を疲れ果てさせる;~を使い尽くす;排気する
be exhausted by[from] : ~で疲れ果てる
[名] 排気ガス
exhaustion : [名] 疲労困憊

ex「外へ」+haust「汲みだす」⇒出し尽くす、という意味合いが原義です。「~を疲れ果てさせる」はtire out、「~を使い尽くす」はuse upで書き換えられます。【完全】や【終結】の副詞out、upから、雰囲気が掴めますね。









701 possess : ~を所有している;~の心をとらえる
       be possessed by[with] ~ : ~に取りつかれている
       possession : [名]所有;[~s]財産

702 dominate : ~を支配する;(~より)優勢である(over)
dominate the oil industry : 石油産業を支配する
        domination : [名]支配;優勢
        dominant : [形]支配的な;優勢な
        dominance : [名]優勢


703 guarantee : ~を保証する
        guarantee that … : …ということを保証する
        under guarantee : 保証期間内で

warranty「保証」と同じ語源です。不定詞を目的語に取ることもでき、guarantee to doで「~すると約束する」です。更に、第4文型guarantee A B 「AにBを約束する」、第5文型guarantee O to do「Oが~すると保証する」も可能です。
日本語で言う芸能人などの「ギャラ」は、恐らくa guaranteed fee「保証された報酬」からの発想→短縮と思われますが、実際はguaranteedは付けずに、単にa feeで良いようです。

704 melt : 溶ける;なごむ;~を溶かす
      a melting pot : (人種の)るつぼ
      meltdown : [名]炉心溶融;株価の大暴落

a melting pot「るつぼ」とは、正に金属を熱する容器のことです。様々な人種が溶け合うようにして一つの国を作り上げているアメリカ合衆国のことを、かつてはこの様に例えました。その後、いや、溶け合ってはいない、個々がルーツを大切にしながら混ざり合っているのだ、ということから、a salad bowlと例え直す風潮もありましたが、今ではそれもあまり耳にしなくなりました。

705 embarrass : ~に恥ずかしい思いをさせる
        be embarrassed (about[at] ~) : (~に)恥ずかしい思いする
        embarrassment : [名]当惑、困惑


706 discourage : (人)にやる気をなくさせる;~を落胆させる
        ⇔ encourage
        discourage ~ from doing : ~に…する気をなくさせる
        be discouraged at ~ : ~に落胆する
        discouragement : [名]落胆

「~に…する気をなくさせる」の補語の部分はfrom doingですが、反意の「~を…するように励ます」の場合は、encourage ~ to doとなり、不定詞です。prevent ~ from doing「~が…するのを妨げる、~に…させない」やprohibit ~ from doing「~が…するのを禁止する」など、「させない系」の表現はfrom doingになりますね。

707 detect : ~を感知する;~を見つけ出す;~に気づく
      detection : [名]発見;捜査
      detective : [名]刑事;探偵 [形]探偵の;探知用の
      detectable : [形]探知できる

「~する人/物」の意の接尾辞-orを付けると、「検出器」となります。「噓発見器」はa lie detectorです。





【東大英語】東大2019 リスニング問題(コンプリート版)【共通テストリスニングにも】







東大入試詳解25年 英語<第2版>-2019~1995

東大入試詳解25年 英語<第2版>-2019~1995

  • 発売日: 2020/03/24
  • メディア: 単行本


これまでセンター試験はリスニング50点、筆記150点でしたが、来年(2021年度)から実施される大学共通テスト ではリスニング100点、筆記100点になります。




























(1) Which of the following best describes the location where the lecture is being held?

a) A center of local government.

b) A ski resort.

c) A university town.

d) An ancient historical site.

e) An athletic training field.


(2) What examples does the lecture give of ancient sports helping people find their places in society?

a) Sports as training for combat.

b) Sports functioning as a rite of passage.

c) Sports occurring in a religious ceremony.

d) Sports representing an ideal social order.

e) Sports serving as an early form of education.


(3) Which of the following does not  match any of the core elements of team sports mentioned by the lecturer?

a) Ability. 

b) Discipline.

c) Luck.

d) Rules.

e) Tactics.


(4) Which of the following best describes the chief goal of team sports for school systems?

a) They want students to become good citizens.

b) They want students to obey rules and respect authority.

c) They want students to practice fair play.

d) They want students to show consideration for others.

e) They want students to value teamwork.


(5) Near the end of Dr. Turner's lecture, he argues that modern team sports appear to place supreme value on ( ア )but, in fact, ( イ )is of equal importance.

(Each choice contains a pair of expressions that can fill in the blanks to complete the sentence.)

a) (ア)effort       (イ) cheating

b) (ア)fair play   (イ)victory

c) (ア)skill           (イ)chance

d) (ア)the group (イ)the individual

e) (ア)winning    (イ)losing






司会:Welcome, everyone, to the 2019 Winter Lecture Series of the Society for Social Research, held this year in the beautiful village of Seefeld, Austria, where we're looking at sports and culture. We're delighted to have the renowned anthropologist Clifford Turner here to start things off. Before going any further, I'd like to thank the staff for their hard work and extend a hearty mountain greeting to those joining us on our live video stream. And now, Dr. Turner——.


ターナー博士:Thanks, Harry. Hello, everyone. I believe I saw many of you on the slopes today. Fresh snow, amazing scenery——a great place to talk about sports. 

 As you know, a lot of research in our field looks at ancient sports in contexts where they're closely tied either to religious ceremonies——say, dealing with the spirit world, pleasing the gods——or to practicing core tasks of survival like hunting and combat. Then, of course, there are rites of passage, you know, fitting people into their social roles. That's all fascinating stuff, but tonight I'd like to focus on team sports in modern societies.

 I argue that modern sports, especially team sports, serve a different set of functions. They're much more about representation——projecting a model of our society, either as we wish it were or as we think it really is. And although sports still help us fit into society, the target today isn't any particular role, just adjusting to life in general.

 So, what am I saying here? On the other hand, sports offer an ideal image of society, life as we think it should be——competition, sure, but with clear, fair rules. Think of the basic elements of team sports: skill, strategy, chance, and rules that govern how to play the game and how to determine a winner. And there's a close tie to social education. Today, school systems promote these sports as a way to teach teamwork, fair play, discipline, respect for authority, respect for opponents : their main objective here is to turn students into responsible members of society.

 So, that's sports reflecting how we think things ought to be. But that function always exists alongside another one, the representation of nonideal life, life as we experience it, so-called "real life." This second function begins to take over as we move toward professional sports. Here, the competition is more intense; more emphasis is placed on victory than on moral behavior or fair play, and so more attention is paid to the terrible consequences of failure, "the agony of defeat". You've heard what people say: "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"; "Just win, baby" .

 But here's the interesting thing: It's a paradox. That language, those sayings hide and even try to deny half the purpose of the ritual! In fact, the experience we fear——defeat

——is as important as the victory we desire. Sports, in this sense, is preparing us to deal with real "real life". Bad things happen. Things don't always break our way. And we often lose. As we say, "That's life."  





司会:Welcome, everyone, to the 2019 Winter Lecture Series of the Society for Social Research, held this year in the beautiful village of Seefeld, Austria, where we're looking at sports and culture. We're delighted to have the renowned anthropologist Clifford Turner here to start things off. Before going any further, I'd like to thank the staff for their hard work and extend a hearty mountain greeting to those joining us on our live video stream. And now, Dr. Turner——.


ターナー博士:Thanks, Harry. Hello, everyone. I believe I saw many of you on the slopes today. Fresh snow, amazing scenery——a great place to talk about sports. 

 As you know, a lot of research in our field looks at ancient sports in contexts where they're closely tied either to religious ceremonies——say, dealing with the spirit world, pleasing the gods——or to practicing core tasks of survival like hunting and combat. Then, of course, there are rites of passage, you know, fitting people into their social roles. That's all fascinating stuff, but tonight I'd like to focus on team sports in modern societies.

 I argue that modern sports, especially team sports, serve a different set of functions. They're much more about representation——projecting a model of our society, either as we wish it were or as we think it really is. And although sports still help us fit into society, the target today isn't any particular role, just adjusting to life in general.

 So, what am I saying here? On the other hand, sports offer an ideal image of society, life as we think it should be——competition, sure, but with clear, fair rules. Think of the basic elements of team sports: skill, strategy, chance, and rules that govern how to play the game and how to determine a winner. And there's a close tie to social education. Today, school systems promote these sports as a way to teach teamwork, fair play, discipline, respect for authority, respect for opponents : their main objective here is to turn students into responsible members of society.

 So, that's sports reflecting how we think things ought to be. But that function always exists alongside another one, the representation of nonideal life, life as we experience it, so-called "real life." This second function begins to take over as we move toward professional sports. Here, the competition is more intense; more emphasis is placed on victory than on moral behavior or fair play, and so more attention is paid to the terrible consequences of failure, "the agony of defeat". You've heard what people say: "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"; "Just win, baby" .

 But here's the interesting thing: It's a paradox. That language, those sayings hide and even try to deny half the purpose of the ritual! In fact, the experience we fear——defeat

——is as important as the victory we desire. Sports, in this sense, is preparing us to deal with real "real life". Bad things happen. Things don't always break our way. And we often lose. As we say, "That's life."  





(1) Which of the following best describes the location where the lecture is being held?


a) A center of local government.

b) A ski resort.

c) A university town.

d) An ancient historical site.

e) An athletic training field.


正解はb) A ski resort(スキーリゾート地)です。


Welcome, everyone, to the 2019 Winter Lecture Series of the Society for Social Research, held this year in the beautiful village of Seefeld, Austria, where we're looking at sports and culture.


I believe I saw many of you on the slopes today. Fresh snow, amazing scenery——a great place to talk about sports. 





(2) What examples does the lecture give of ancient sports helping people find their places in society?


a) Sports as training for combat.

b) Sports functioning as a rite of passage.

c) Sports occurring in a religious ceremony.

d) Sports representing an ideal social order.

e) Sports serving as an early form of education.


こちらの正解はb) のSports functioning as a rite of passage.(通過儀礼として機能するスポーツ)です。



まず a rite of passage「通過儀礼」、これだけでも十分難しいですね。



問題文がWhat examples does the lecture give of ancient sports helping people find their places in society?となっていますが、正しく訳せましたでしょうか?


What examples of ancient sports helping people find their places in society does the lecture give?




As you know, a lot of research in our field looks at ancient sports in contexts where they're closely tied either to religious ceremonies——say, dealing with the spirit world, pleasing the gods——or to practicing core tasks of survival like hunting and combat. Then, of course, there are rites of passage, you know, fitting people into their social roles. That's all fascinating stuff, but tonight I'd like to focus on team sports in modern societies.


(太字のところで)「通過儀礼、社会の中の責務に人々を順応させること、ということ(要素もスポーツには)ある」と言っています。ここはrites of passageを言い換えて直後に説明しているので、一応rites of passageという表現を知らなくても正解できるといえますが、相当厳しい問題ですね。

直前に選択肢a)の combat、c) のreligious ceremonyという単語も出てくるので、「単語が聞き取れる」レベルだと迷ってしまって太刀打ちできなかったと思います。


d) のSports representing an ideal social order.も、e)の Sports serving as an early form of education.も、ターナー博士が講義の他の部分で触れている内容なので、あくまでも「社会の中の立場を見出すスポーツ」としての例を探す、ということをしっかり頭に入れて、メモを取りながら放送を聞かないと正解は難しかったかと思います。



(3) Which of the following does not  match any of the core elements of team sports mentioned by the lecturer?


a) Ability

b) Discipline.

c) Luck.

d) Rules.

e) Tactics.






Think of the basic elements of team sports: skill, strategy, chance, and rules that govern how to play the game and how to determine a winner.




(4) Which of the following best describes the chief goal of team sports for school systems?


a) They want students to become good citizens.

b) They want students to obey rules and respect authority.

c) They want students to practice fair play.

d) They want students to show consideration for others.

e) They want students to value teamwork.


正解はa) のThey want students to become good citizens.(生徒に善良な市民になることを望んでいる)です。



Today, school systems promote these sports as a way to teach teamwork, fair play, discipline, respect for authority, respect for opponents : their main objective here is to turn students into responsible members of society.






(5) Near the end of Dr. Turner's lecture, he argues that modern team sports appear to place supreme value on ( ア )but, in fact, ( イ )is of equal importance.



a) (ア)effort       (イ) cheating

b) (ア)fair play   (イ)victory

c) (ア)skill           (イ)chance

d) (ア)the group (イ)the individual

e) (ア)winning    (イ)losing





You've heard what people say: "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"; "Just win, baby" .

 But here's the interesting thing: It's a paradox. That language, those sayings hide and even try to deny half the purpose of the ritual! In fact, the experience we fear——defeat——is as important as the victory we desire.










司会(ハリー):Welcome, everyone, to the 2019 Winter Lecture Series of the Society for Social Research, held this year in the beautiful village of Seefeld, Austria, where we're looking at sports and culture.



We're delighted to have the renowned anthropologist Clifford Turner here to start things off. Before going any further, I'd like to thank the staff for their hard work and extend a hearty mountain greeting to those joining us on our live video stream. And now, Dr. Turner——.

光栄なことに、高名な人類学者クリフォード・ターナーさんをお迎えして(講義を)始めて参ります。 本題に入る前に、私からスタッフに対して感謝の意を表し、ライブ放送にご参加の皆さんに心からの挨拶をしたいと思います。

(注:mountain greetingは「山のように盛大な挨拶」だが、ゼーフェルトの美しい山とかけた表現。)



ターナー博士:Thanks, Harry. Hello, everyone. I believe I saw many of you on the slopes today. Fresh snow, amazing scenery——a great place to talk about sports. 



 As you know, a lot of research in our field looks at ancient sports in contexts where they're closely tied either to religious ceremonies——say, dealing with the spirit world, pleasing the gods——or to practicing core tasks of survival like hunting and combat.



Then, of course, there are rites of passage, you know, fitting people into their social roles. That's all fascinating stuff, but tonight I'd like to focus on team sports in modern societies.



 I argue that modern sports, especially team sports, serve a different set of functions.



They're much more about representation——projecting a model of our society, either as we wish it were or as we think it really is.




And although sports still help us fit into society, the target today isn't any particular role, just adjusting to life in general.



 So, what am I saying here?



On the other hand, sports offer an ideal image of society, life as we think it should be——competition, sure, but with clear, fair rules.



Think of the basic elements of team sports: skill, strategy, chance, and rules that govern how to play the game and how to determine a winner.



And there's a close tie to social education.



Today, school systems promote these sports as a way to teach teamwork, fair play, discipline, respect for authority, respect for opponents : their main objective here is to turn students into responsible members of society.



 So, that's sports reflecting how we think things ought to be.



But that function always exists alongside another one, the representation of nonideal life, life as we experience it, so-called "real life."



This second function begins to take over as we move toward professional sports.



Here, the competition is more intense; more emphasis is placed on victory than on moral behavior or fair play, and so more attention is paid to the terrible consequences of failure, "the agony of defeat". 



You've heard what people say: "If you're not cheating, you're not trying"; "Just win, baby" .




 But here's the interesting thing: It's a paradox.



That language, those sayings hide and even try to deny half the purpose of the ritual!



In fact, the experience we fear——defeat——is as important as the victory we desire.



Sports, in this sense, is preparing us to deal with real "real life". 



Bad things happen. Things don't always break our way.



And we often lose. As we say, "That's life."  











これから放送するのは、司会者とDeBoer博士、Van Klay博士の3人による、(A)と内容的に関連した会話である。これを聞き、(1)~(5)の問いに対してそれぞれ最も適切な答えを一つ選べ。


★ 問題B:設問

(1) Why does Van Klay object to Turner's analysis?

a) He thinks Turner's analysis doesn't match the contemporary world.

b) He thinks Turner's analysis doesn't put enough emphasis on socialization.

c) He thinks Turner's analysis focuses too much on team sports.

d) He thinks Turner's analysis is too Western-oriented.

e) He thinks Turner's analysis puts too much emphasis on politics.


(2) What new thesis does Van Klay add to the discussion about sports?

a) Sports can never play a role in social or political reform.

b) Sports do not reflect core values in every society.

c) Sports reflect real life, not entertainment.

d) The values reflected by a sport differ from society to society.

e) When a sport moves from one society to another, it no longer reflects core values.


(3) DeBoer says that Van Klay is unfair to Turner because

a) Turner actually agrees with Van Klay.

b) Turner did not have a chance to hear Van Klay's objection.

c) Van Klay does not accurately describe Turner's argument.

d) Van Klay's point is not relevant to the context Turner was analyzing.

e) Van Klay's thesis is not proven.


(4) What is the final conclusion drawn by DeBoer from the example of the rugby player?

a) It is difficult to come out as gay in a sport like rugby.

b) It is hard to come out in a conservative society.

c) Society and sports can influence each other.

d) Society can change a sport for the better.

e) Sports like rugby are too male dominated.


(5) DeBoer believes a sport can have its greatest impact when

a) it challenges established assumptions.

b) it has little or no political meaning.

c) it is changed by progressive attitudes.

d) it teaches a sense of proper fair play.

e) it teaches us how to follow the rules of the game.





司会者:Before we open the floor to questions about Dr. Turner's presentation, let's hear from our panelists: sports psychologist Dr. Lisa DeBoer and cultural anthropologist Dr. Dale Van Klay. Dr. Van Klay, can we start with you?



ヴァン・クレー:Well, I like Dr. Turner's work, but to be honest, it seems out of touch with the modern global scene. I agree that sports is a kind of social education, that is, a way of teaching important social values, but his model is fixed. We have a global sports culture now. You can't just treat a particular sport as if it carries a fixed set of values. Once a sport moves to another society, it loses its original meanings and gains new ones.


司会者:What's your opinion, Dr. DeBoer?


ドゥボア:I think that is not being fair to Dr. Turner. I am sure he would agree with that, but he wasn't talking about sports spreading from one culture to another. He was talking about how sports function within a single society. An interesting case is France's 2018 World Cup team——the French media loved it because it showed this image of a diverse France with players from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They wanted that diversity to be truly the French reality. This example also raises something Dr. Turner didn't touch on: sports as a means for social or political change. Think of last year in the United States, when African-American football players protested police violence by refusing to join the opening ceremony...


ヴァン・クレー:And think about the angry reaction that produced! I mean, that rather goes against the basic idea of sports, doesn't it? People want sports to be free from politics.


ドゥボア:I disagree. Sports have always been about politics.——what about the nationalism and flag-waving? But sports are also capable of introducing political change. Women and minorities in many cases found equal treatment in sports before they won rights in society. For example, the rugby player in the England league who recently came out as gay became a famous role-model. 


ヴァン・クレー:I would argue that that might be an example of the reverse, of how changes in society make it possible for people in sports to take steps forward.


ドゥボア:Well, that's just it——they're mutually reinforcing. In a sport like rugby, where male culture has been such an unfortunate element of the game, at least in certain societies, it's doubly hard to come out. But when someone does, that makes it easier for others in the rest of society.


ヴァン・クレー:I'm not saying that sports can't have political meaning, only that they're expected to be outside politics.


ドゥボア:But isn't it exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change? The examples of the American football players and rugby player both show that breaking with prior expectations of what a sport should be is key to the political meaning. And, of course, those expectations govern the culture of the game, too. When a sport challenge these, it can teach society more than just fair play. I think that's another way of understanding what Dr. Turner meant when he talked about sports as a kind of social education.





司会者:Before we open the floor to questions about Dr. Turner's presentation, let's hear from our panelists: sports psychologist Dr. Lisa DeBoer and cultural anthropologist Dr. Dale Van Klay. Dr. Van Klay, can we start with you?


ヴァン・クレー:Well, I like Dr. Turner's work, but to be honest, it seems out of touch with the modern global scene. I agree that sports is a kind of social education, that is, a way of teaching important social values, but his model is fixed. We have a global sports culture now. You can't just treat a particular sport as if it carries a fixed set of values. Once a sport moves to another society, it loses its original meanings and gains new ones.


司会者:What's your opinion, Dr. DeBoer?


ドゥボア:I think that is not being fair to Dr. Turner. I am sure he would agree with that, but he wasn't talking about sports spreading from one culture to another. He was talking about how sports function within a single society. An interesting case is France's 2018 World Cup team——the French media loved it because it showed this image of a diverse France with players from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They wanted that diversity to be truly the French reality. This example also raises something Dr. Turner didn't touch on: sports as a means for social or political change. Think of last year in the United States, when African-American football players protested police violence by refusing to join the opening ceremony...


ヴァン・クレー:And think about the angry reaction that produced! I mean, that rather goes against the basic idea of sports, doesn't it? People want sports to be free from politics.


ドゥボア:I disagree. Sports have always been about politics.——what about the nationalism and flag-waving? But sports are also capable of introducing political change. Women and minorities in many cases found equal treatment in sports before they won rights in society. For example, the rugby player in the England league who recently came out as gay became a famous role-model. 


ヴァン・クレー:I would argue that that might be an example of the reverse, of how changes in society make it possible for people in sports to take steps forward.


ドゥボア:Well, that's just it——they're mutually reinforcing. In a sport like rugby, where male culture has been such an unfortunate element of the game, at least in certain societies, it's doubly hard to come out. But when someone does, that makes it easier for others in the rest of society.


ヴァン・クレー:I'm not saying that sports can't have political meaning, only that they're expected to be outside politics.


ドゥボア:But isn't it exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change? The examples of the American football players and rugby player both show that breaking with prior expectations of what a sport should be is key to the political meaning. And, of course, those expectations govern the culture of the game, too. When a sport challenge these, it can teach society more than just fair play. I think that's another way of understanding what Dr. Turner meant when he talked about sports as a kind of social education.





(1) Why does Van Klay object to Turner's analysis?



a) He thinks Turner's analysis doesn't match the contemporary world.

b) He thinks Turner's analysis doesn't put enough emphasis on socialization.

c) He thinks Turner's analysis focuses too much on team sports.

d) He thinks Turner's analysis is too Western-oriented.

e) He thinks Turner's analysis puts too much emphasis on politics.


正解はa)He thinks Turner's analysis doesn't match the contemporary world.(彼は、ターナーの論調は現在の世界情勢に合ったものではないと考えている)




Well, I like Dr. Turner's work, but to be honest, it seems out of touch with the modern global scene. 

です。be out of touch with Aは「Aとかけ離れている」ですね。




(2) What new thesis does Van Klay add to the discussion about sports?



a) Sports can never play a role in social or political reform.

b) Sports do not reflect core values in every society.

c) Sports reflect real life, not entertainment.

d) The values reflected by a sport differ from society to society.

e) When a sport moves from one society to another, it no longer reflects core values.


正解はd)The values reflected by a sport differ from society to society. (スポーツが反映する価値観は、社会が異なると別のものになる)です。


Once a sport moves to another society, it loses its original meanings and gains new ones.






(3) DeBoer says that Van Klay is unfair to Turner because



a) Turner actually agrees with Van Klay.

b) Turner did not have a chance to hear Van Klay's objection.

c) Van Klay does not accurately describe Turner's argument.

d) Van Klay's point is not relevant to the context Turner was analyzing.

e) Van Klay's thesis is not proven.


正解はd) のVan Klay's point is not relevant to the context Turner was analyzing.(ヴァン・クレーの論点はターナーが分析している文脈(話の流れ)とは関係ない)です。



I think that is not being fair to Dr. Turner. I am sure he would agree with that, but he wasn't talking about sports spreading from one culture to another. He was talking about how sports function within a single society.




(4) What is the final conclusion drawn by DeBoer from the example of the rugby player?



a) It is difficult to come out as gay in a sport like rugby.

b) It is hard to come out in a conservative society.

c) Society and sports can influence each other.

d) Society can change a sport for the better.

e) Sports like rugby are too male dominated.


正解はc) Society and sports can influence each other.(社会とスポーツは互いに補強しあう)です。



Well, that's just it——they're mutually reinforcing.







(5) DeBoer believes a sport can have its greatest impact when



a) it challenges established assumptions.

b) it has little or no political meaning.

c) it is changed by progressive attitudes.

d) it teaches a sense of proper fair play.

e) it teaches us how to follow the rules of the game.


正解はa) のit challenges established assumptions.(スポーツが、確立された想定に異議を唱えるとき)です。



But isn't it exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change?





It is exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change.


強調構文の詳しい説明はここでは省きますが、強調したいところをIt isとthatで挟んだだけの形になっていますから、元の英文は

Sports have the greatest potential to produce change exactly when they challenge that expectation.


強調構文It is exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change.は



Isn't it exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change?











司会者:Before we open the floor to questions about Dr. Turner's presentation, let's hear from our panelists: sports psychologist Dr. Lisa DeBoer and cultural anthropologist Dr. Dale Van Klay. Dr. Van Klay, can we start with you?



ヴァン・クレー:Well, I like Dr. Turner's work, but to be honest, it seems out of touch with the modern global scene. I agree that sports is a kind of social education, that is, a way of teaching important social values, but his model is fixed. We have a global sports culture now. You can't just treat a particular sport as if it carries a fixed set of values. Once a sport moves to another society, it loses its original meanings and gains new ones.



司会者:What's your opinion, Dr. DeBoer?



ドゥボア:(長いですが頑張りましょう by塾長)I think that is not being fair to Dr. Turner. I am sure he would agree with that, but he wasn't talking about sports spreading from one culture to another. He was talking about how sports function within a single society. An interesting case is France's 2018 World Cup team——the French media loved it because it showed this image of a diverse France with players from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. They wanted that diversity to be truly the French reality. This example also raises something Dr. Turner didn't touch on: sports as a means for social or political change. Think of last year in the United States, when African-American football players protested police violence by refusing to join the opening ceremony...



ヴァン・クレー:And think about the angry reaction that produced! I mean, that rather goes against the basic idea of sports, doesn't it? People want sports to be free from politics.



ドゥボア:I disagree. Sports have always been about politics.——what about the nationalism and flag-waving? But sports are also capable of introducing political change. Women and minorities in many cases found equal treatment in sports before they won rights in society. For example, the rugby player in the England league who recently came out as gay became a famous role-model. 



ヴァン・クレー:I would argue that that might be an example of the reverse, of how changes in society make it possible for people in sports to take steps forward.

私は、それは反対の例ではないかと思いますね。社会における変化が、スポーツに関わる人が(勇気を出して)前に進むのを 可能にする例だと。


ドゥボア:Well, that's just it——they're mutually reinforcing. In a sport like rugby, where male culture has been such an unfortunate element of the game, at least in certain societies, it's doubly hard to come out. But when someone does, that makes it easier for others in the rest of society.



ヴァン・クレー:I'm not saying that sports can't have political meaning, only that they're expected to be outside politics.



ドゥボア:But isn't it exactly when they challenge that expectation that sports have the greatest potential to produce change? The examples of the American football players and rugby player both show that breaking with prior expectations of what a sport should be is key to the political meaning. And, of course, those expectations govern the culture of the game, too. When a sport challenge these, it can teach society more than just fair play. I think that's another way of understanding what Dr. Turner meant when he talked about sports as a kind of social education.

しかし、スポーツが変革を生み出す可能性が一番高まるのは、まさしくそういう想定に異を唱えるときではありませんか?アメリカのサッカー選手らの例とイングランドラグビー選手の例は両方とも、「スポーツとはどのようなものであるべきか」という従来の想定と決別することが、(スポーツの)政治的意味合いにとって鍵となることを示しています。(break with Aは「Aと別れる、決別する」です。カップルが分かれる場合にも使いますby塾長)それからもちろん、こういった想定は競技(スポーツ)(gameとsportsはほぼ同じ意味で使われていますby塾長)の文化(雰囲気)を決定づけるものでもあります。あるスポーツがこうした想定に異を唱えた場合、そのスポーツは社会に対し、フェアプレー精神以上のものを教えることになります。これも、ターナー博士が一種の社会教育としてのスポーツについて語った内容の、別の角度からの解釈だと私は思います。












(1) Which of the following best corresponds to one of the lecturer's early childhood memories?

a) Collecting rocks by the sea.

b) Finger-painting on a playground.

c) Seeing a movie about ocean creatures.

d) Tracing letters in his bedroom.

e) None of the above.


(2) Before the 1980s, most psychologists thought that early childhood memories

a) are blocked out for self-protection.

b) are built in a "construction zone".

c) are naturally unstable.

d) have only a 40% chance of being remembered.

e) will persist in a distorted form.


(3) Which of the following is not a finding from a study conducted in the 1980s?

a) At 6 months of age, memories last for at least a day.

b) At 9 months of age, memories last for a month.

c) At the age of 2, memories last for a year.

d) Children 4.5 years old can recall detailed memories for at least 18 months.

e) The memories of children aged 3 and under persist, but with limitations.


(4) Which of the statements below was a finding of the 2005 study?

a) Children create memories faster than adults, but then forget faster as well.

b) Children's memories vanish as they build up adult experiences.

c) Five-and-a-half-year-olds retain 80% of the memories formed at age 3.

d) Seven-and-a-half-year-olds retain half of the memories formed at age 3.

e) Three-year-olds only retain 14% of their memories.


(5) The lecturer most wants to claim that:

a) Childhood memories are lost because they are formed in a brain that is rapidly developing.

b) Our earliest memories are more reliable than once thought.

c) The infant brain is still developing, which gives it great flexibility.

d) We forget most of our childhood memories so that we can retain the most valuable ones.

e) We have more links between brain cells in early childhood than in adulthood.





  When I try to remember my life before my fifth birthday, I recall only a few passing images——collecting rocks in a playground, finger-painting in my bedroom, watching a film about ocean creatures, tracing letters on a sheet of white paper. And that's all. But I must have experienced so much more back then. Where did those years go?

 Psychologists have a name for this dramatic loss of memory: "childhood amnesia". On average, our memories reach no farther back than age three. Everything before then is dark.

 The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud gave childhood amnesia its name in the early 1900s. He argued that adults forget their earliest years of life, up to age four, in order to shut out disturbing memories. Some psychologists accepted this claim, but most adopted another explanation for childhood amnesia; Children simply couldn't form stable memories until age seven. So, for nearly 100 years, the commonly accepted view was that early childhood memories didn't endure because they were never durable in the first place.

 The 1980s brought the first modern scientific efforts to test these theories. One experiment after another in that decade revealed that the memories of children three and younger do in fact persist, but with limitations. At six months of age, infants' memories last for at least a day; at nine months, for a month; by age two, for a year. And a later 1991 study showed that four-and-a-half-year-olds could recall detailed memories from a trip to an amusement park 18 months before.

 Yet, at around age six, children begin to forget many of their first memories. A 2005 study of memories formed at age three found that seven-and-a-half-year-olds recalled only 40% of them, while five-and-a-half-year-olds remenbered twice as many. This work revealed a striking fact: Children can create and access memories in their first few years of life, yet most of those memories will soon vanish at a rate far beyond what we experience as adults.

 What might explain the puzzle of this sudden forgetting? Research conducted in the last decade has begun to reveal the solution. Throughout childhood, the brain grows at an incredibly rapid rate, building out structures and producing an excess of connections. In fact, far more links are created between cells in those early years than the brain ends up with in adulthood. Without such flexible brains, young children would never be able to learn so much so quickly.

 However, most of the excess connections must eventually be cut away to achieve the efficient structure and function of an adult mind.

 The problem, it turns out, is not so much that our childhood memories are unstable as that they are built in a construction zone, a crowded work site undergoing rapid growth and change. As a result, many of those memories will be effectively removed, others covered up, and yet others combined with later memories and impressions. And that is just as it should be. Nature values the overall process of development more than those first memories. Far from being the result of an infant's mental weakness or the need to block out bad memories, childhood amnesia, that first forgetting, is a necessary step on the path to adulthood.





When I try to remember my life before my fifth birthday, I recall only a few passing images——collecting rocks in a playground, finger-painting in my bedroom, watching a film about ocean creatures, tracing letters on a sheet of white paper. And that's all. But I must have experienced so much more back then. Where did those years go?

 Psychologists have a name for this dramatic loss of memory: "childhood amnesia". On average, our memories reach no farther back than age three. Everything before then is dark.

 The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud gave childhood amnesia its name in the early 1900s. He argued that adults forget their earliest years of life, up to age four, in order to shut out disturbing memories. Some psychologists accepted this claim, but most adopted another explanation for childhood amnesia; Children simply couldn't form stable memories until age seven. So, for nearly 100 years, the commonly accepted view was that early childhood memories didn't endure because they were never durable in the first place.

 The 1980s brought the first modern scientific efforts to test these theories. One experiment after another in that decade revealed that the memories of children three and younger do in fact persist, but with limitations. At six months of age, infants' memories last for at least a day; at nine months, for a month; by age two, for a year. And a later 1991 study showed that four-and-a-half-year-olds could recall detailed memories from a trip to an amusement park 18 months before.

 Yet, at around age six, children begin to forget many of their first memories. A 2005 study of memories formed at age three found that seven-and-a-half-year-olds recalled only 40% of them, while five-and-a-half-year-olds remenbered twice as many. This work revealed a striking fact: Children can create and access memories in their first few years of life, yet most of those memories will soon vanish at a rate far beyond what we experience as adults.

 What might explain the puzzle of this sudden forgetting? Research conducted in the last decade has begun to reveal the solution. Throughout childhood, the brain grows at an incredibly rapid rate, building out structures and producing an excess of connections. In fact, far more links are created between cells in those early years than the brain ends up with in adulthood. Without such flexible brains, young children would never be able to learn so much so quickly.

 However, most of the excess connections must eventually be cut away to achieve the efficient structure and function of an adult mind.

 The problem, it turns out, is not so much that our childhood memories are unstable as that they are built in a construction zone, a crowded work site undergoing rapid growth and change. As a result, many of those memories will be effectively removed, others covered up, and yet others combined with later memories and impressions. And that is just as it should be. Nature values the overall process of development more than those first memories. Far from being the result of an infant's mental weakness or the need to block out bad memories, childhood amnesia, that first forgetting, is a necessary step on the path to adulthood.





(1) Which of the following best corresponds to one of the lecturer's early childhood memories?



a) Collecting rocks by the sea.

b) Finger-painting on a playground.

c) Seeing a movie about ocean creatures.

d) Tracing letters in his bedroom.

e) None of the above.


正解はc)Seeing a movie about ocean creatures.(海洋生物についての映画を見ること)です。



I recall only a few passing images——collecting rocks in a playground, finger-painting in my bedroom, watching a film about ocean creatures, tracing letters on a sheet of white paper.





(2) Before the 1980s, most psychologists thought that early childhood memories



a) are blocked out for self-protection.

b) are built in a "construction zone".

c) are naturally unstable.

d) have only a 40% chance of being remembered.

e) will persist in a distorted form.


正解はc)are naturally unstable.(生来不安定なものである)です。



Some psychologists accepted this claim, but most adopted another explanation for childhood amnesia; Children simply couldn't form stable memories until age seven. So, for nearly 100 years, the commonly accepted view was that early childhood memories didn't endure because they were never durable in the first place.




in the first placeは「そもそも」という意味です。よく使われますから覚えておくといいでしょう!



(3) Which of the following is not a finding from a study conducted in the 1980s?



a) At 6 months of age, memories last for at least a day.

b) At 9 months of age, memories last for a month.

c) At the age of 2, memories last for a year.

d) Children 4.5 years old can recall detailed memories for at least 18 months.

e) The memories of children aged 3 and under persist, but with limitations.


正解はd)Children 4.5 years old can recall detailed memories for at least 18 months.(4歳半の子供は少なくとも18か月間、詳細な記憶を思い出すことができる)です。



The 1980s brought the first modern scientific efforts to test these theories.

One experiment after another in that decade revealed that the memories of children three and younger do in fact persist, but with limitations.(e)に相当)

At six months of age, infants' memories last for at least a day(a)に相当); at nine months, for a month(b)に相当); by age two, for a year(c)に相当). And a later 1991 study showed that four-and-a-half-year-olds could recall detailed memories (d)に相当) from a trip to an amusement park 18 months before.





(4) Which of the statements below was a finding of the 2005 study?



a) Children create memories faster than adults, but then forget faster as well.

b) Children's memories vanish as they build up adult experiences.

c) Five-and-a-half-year-olds retain 80% of the memories formed at age 3.

d) Seven-and-a-half-year-olds retain half of the memories formed at age 3.

e) Three-year-olds only retain 14% of their memories.


正解c) Five-and-a-half-year-olds retain 80% of the memories formed at age 3.(5歳半児は3歳時に形成された記憶の80%を保持している)です。



Yet, at around age six, children begin to forget many of their first memories. A 2005 study of memories formed at age three found that seven-and-a-half-year-olds recalled only 40% of them, while five-and-a-half-year-olds remenbered twice as many. This work revealed a striking fact: Children can create and access memories in their first few years of life, yet most of those memories will soon vanish at a rate far beyond what we experience as adults.




A 2005 study of memories formed at age three found that seven-and-a-half-year-olds recalled only 40% of them, while five-and-a-half-year-olds remenbered twice as many.








選択肢b) Children's memories vanish as they build up adult experiences.(子供の記憶は、大人の経験を積んでいくにつれて消えてしまう)




This work revealed a striking fact: Children can create and access memories in their first few years of life, yet most of those memories will soon vanish at a rate far beyond what we experience as adults.








(5) The lecturer most wants to claim that:



a) Childhood memories are lost because they are formed in a brain that is rapidly developing.

b) Our earliest memories are more reliable than once thought.

c) The infant brain is still developing, which gives it great flexibility.

d) We forget most of our childhood memories so that we can retain the most valuable ones.

e) We have more links between brain cells in early childhood than in adulthood.


 正解はa)Childhood memories are lost because they are formed in a brain that is rapidly developing.(子供時代の記憶が失われるのは、急速に発達する脳内で形成される記憶だからである)です。



 The problem, it turns out, is not so much that our childhood memories are unstable as that they are built in a construction zone, a crowded work site undergoing rapid growth and change. As a result, many of those memories will be effectively removed, others covered up, and yet others combined with later memories and impressions. And that is just as it should be. Nature values the overall process of development more than those first memories. Far from being the result of an infant's mental weakness or the need to block out bad memories, childhood amnesia, that first forgetting, is a necessary step on the path to adulthood.



The problem, it turns out, is not so much that our childhood memories are unstable as that they are built in a construction zone, a crowded work site undergoing rapid growth and change.


(この構文は、もともとIt turns out (that) the problem is~という形式主語の文章の文頭が文中に移動した形です。)







  When I try to remember my life before my fifth birthday, I recall only a few passing images——collecting rocks in a playground, finger-painting in my bedroom, watching a film about ocean creatures, tracing letters on a sheet of white paper.



And that's all. But I must have experienced so much more back then. Where did those years go?



 Psychologists have a name for this dramatic loss of memory: "childhood amnesia". 



On average, our memories reach no farther back than age three. Everything before then is dark.



 The famous psychologist Sigmund Freud gave childhood amnesia its name in the early 1900s.



He argued that adults forget their earliest years of life, up to age four, in order to shut out disturbing memories.



Some psychologists accepted this claim, but most adopted another explanation for childhood amnesia; Children simply couldn't form stable memories until age seven.



So, for nearly 100 years, the commonly accepted view was that early childhood memories didn't endure because they were never durable in the first place.



 The 1980s brought the first modern scientific efforts to test these theories.



One experiment after another in that decade revealed that the memories of children three and younger do in fact persist, but with limitations.




At six months of age, infants' memories last for at least a day; at nine months, for a month; by age two, for a year.


(ここは省略が起きていますね。もちろん元の文章はAt six months of age, infants' memories last for at least a day; at nine months, infants' memories last for a month; by age two, infants' memories last for a year. です。by塾長)


And a later 1991 study showed that four-and-a-half-year-olds could recall detailed memories from a trip to an amusement park 18 months before.



 Yet, at around age six, children begin to forget many of their first memories.



A 2005 study of memories formed at age three found that seven-and-a-half-year-olds recalled only 40% of them, while five-and-a-half-year-olds remenbered twice as many.



This work revealed a striking fact: Children can create and access memories in their first few years of life, yet most of those memories will soon vanish at a rate far beyond what we experience as adults.



 What might explain the puzzle of this sudden forgetting?



Research conducted in the last decade has begun to reveal the solution.



Throughout childhood, the brain grows at an incredibly rapid rate, building out structures and producing an excess of connections.



In fact, far more links are created between cells in those early years than the brain ends up with in adulthood.



Without such flexible brains, young children would never be able to learn so much so quickly.



 However, most of the excess connections must eventually be cut away to achieve the efficient structure and function of an adult mind.




 The problem, it turns out, is not so much that our childhood memories are unstable as that they are built in a construction zone, a crowded work site undergoing rapid growth and change.


(この構文は、もともとIt turns out (that) the problem is~という形式主語の文章の文頭が文中に移動した形です。)


As a result, many of those memories will be effectively removed, others covered up, and yet others combined with later memories and impressions.


(some~,others~は知っている人が多いと思いますが、some~, others~,yet others(still others)という表現も覚えておきましょう!)


And that is just as it should be.



Nature values the overall process of development more than those first memories.



Far from being the result of an infant's mental weakness or the need to block out bad memories, childhood amnesia, that first forgetting, is a necessary step on the path to adulthood.




では、ここからは、Bonus Trackとして、東大のリスニングについてと、東大に限らず全般的なリスニングの力を上げるための勉強法についてお話していきたいと思います。


Bonus Track 1










































Bonus Track 2















  • 作者:國弘 正雄
  • 発売日: 1999/12/25
  • メディア: 単行本










音読をするとリスニングも伸びる理由についてですが… 外国語学習において「モーター理論」という考え方が存在します。




















東大の英語27カ年[第9版] (難関校過去問シリーズ)

東大の英語27カ年[第9版] (難関校過去問シリーズ)

  • 作者:吉倉 聡
  • 発売日: 2018/02/23
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)


東大英語 総講義 (東進ブックス)

東大英語 総講義 (東進ブックス)

  • 作者:宮崎 尊
  • 発売日: 2014/08/18
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)